5 Amazing Health Benefits of Hiking. your mind will be blown


Not only is hiking one of my favorite activities, but it also impacts my overall health. In this post, I will list the amazing health benefits that occur every time we hit the trail. This will make you want to pack a snack, lace up your boots, and head to the wilderness!

Hiking improves your cardiovascular strength

    Who doesn’t want a strong and healthy heart? Hiking will certainly improve your overall cardiovascular health. Hiking can decrease your resting blood pressure, improve good cholesterol while lowering blood fats, strengthen the heart, and increase your body’s efficiency at using oxygen.

    Unlike other forms of Cardiovascular exercise, hiking can even build lean muscle. Moving uphill, over logs, and through rough terrain can stimulate muscle growth. Some forms of steady-state cardio have been known to discourage muscle building. Check out this article for some good information on the benefits of cardiovascular exercise.

    Benefits of a Cardio Workout (clevelandclinic.org)

    Hiking burns calories which leads to lower body fat levels

      In these times, many folks would love to shed a few pounds of body fat. Millions of internet searches are initiated by people across the globe looking for advice on slimming down. Hiking is one of the best ways to do this.

      Moving your body alone will burn more calories than watching TV or playing video games. That’s obvious. However, the calorie burn is compounding when you consider carrying a pack, climbing over rocks and logs, forging through water and mud, and many other things.

      I should also mention that the calorie burn from hiking can sometimes seem effortless as you are distracted by the beauty of creation. When practicing an activity you love, it won’t even feel like exercise.

      Lower body fat levels are linked to various health advantages and overall longevity. Furthermore, you will look a lot better in a bathing suit!

      Hiking can help build lean muscle

        We touched on this when discussing calorie burn. However, I feel that this advantage deserves its own explanation.

        Although hiking will not build as much muscle as lifting barbells in the gym, it can contribute to some muscle building at times. Anytime we put some resistance on the muscles, we trigger a response in the body that will lead to the growth of new muscle tissue.

        Walking on an incline surface, carrying a heavy pack, and climbing are examples of this additional resistance on the muscles.

        If we couple this with proper nutrition and adequate protein intake, we can expect some muscle gain to occur.

        Additional lean muscle has also been linked to amazing health benefits such as stronger bones, decreased risk of cancer, improvements in insulin resistance, and a higher metabolism. Who doesn’t want that!

        Being in the sun can boost Vitamin D levels and improve sleep

          This benefit is one that is constantly brought to my attention by the wildly popular Andrew Huberman. He is constantly praising the benefits of sun exposure.

          Getting sunlight in the eyes and on the skin in the early part of the day can lead to an improved circadian rhythm which helps us sleep better. Furthermore, Improved sleep will improve virtually every other part of our health.

          Sunlight on the skin leads to an increase in Vitamin D which is essential for optimum health.

          This improvement in sleep and vitamin D levels will provide a boost in mood and energy that is indescribable.

          Being in nature can help promote a healthy mind.

            We have already discussed the mood boost that can come from improved sleep and vitamin D levels from the sun. However, the mood benefits from being outdoors and exercising in beautiful environments deserve their own category.

            Here are a few reasons hiking improves your mood

            • Hiking exposes us to the sun which improves sleep and vitamin D
            • We are getting exercise which promotes the production of serotonin in the brain.
            • Being outdoors allows us to practice mindfulness which has its own calming effect.
            • Spending time doing what we love and being in beautiful places will lead to the release of dopamine, which is the feel-good hormone.
            • Improving health through hiking will lead to an increase in self-confidence. This can also lead to a healthier way of thinking and decreased anxiety.


            I hope this article will inspire you to get off the couch and enjoy hiking. God has designed our bodies and his beautiful creation. When we expose ourselves to this beauty and spend time in it, we can’t help but see improvements in our health.

            For other hiking tips, check out my other posts here. Outdoor Adventure Archives – Stream and Timber

            Good luck!

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